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Chakras – human energy centers

    From ancient Sanskrit, “chakra” is translated as “wheel”. Seven main chakras are responsible for human life. They are located along the spinal column, and each of them has its own functions. Some are responsible for physical health. Others are for mental development. The third is for the state of mind of a person.

    All seven chakras are located in the ethereal subtle body. From the center of each chakra leaves a kind of stem that connects it to the spine. This gives the chakras access to the Sushumna, the most important energy channel that runs along the entire spine. It goes from below to the human head and is the link between the energies of the Cosmos and the Earth.


    Chakras and calmness are two different things. You will never see a chakra frozen in place. Like our organs, the chakra “lives” its own life. It constantly rotates and vibrates. This helps her to attract universal energy and transfer it through the channels to the human body.


    Each chakra rotates either to the right or to the left. Turning to the right gives masculine yang energy. This is willpower, focus on action, sometimes aggression and a thirst for power. Turning to the left, respectively, attracts feminine energy. It endows a person with such traits as humility, decision-making of fate, weakness in front of external circumstances.


    All chakras are responsible for receiving energy. It comes from everywhere: from the Universe, the surrounding nature, nearby people and even objects. Further, the energy is transmitted through the channels to the subtle energy bodies, and then disperses throughout the body.


    The manifestation of energy goes through the root chakra, working at the weakest frequencies, as well as through the crown chakra. It is considered the most developed and has the highest frequencies. Each chakra is inextricably linked to the endocrine system. Thanks to this, a channel is formed through which the universal energy flows from the chakras to the physical body.


    Chakras act as transformers for the physical body. They take the current coming from the higher energy (it should be remembered that we are talking about very high frequencies that our body is not able to perceive), convert it to a low frequency, and then transfer it to the physical body.


    Each chakra is unique – it has its own color, sound and element. Their work is similar to that of a valve. When energy is received, it opens, passing a portion of force, exactly as much as the body needs, and then closes.


    If negative or unwanted energy approaches the chakra, it filters it. A sick chakra begins to malfunction. It ceases to close before bad energy, passing it into the body. Or, on the contrary, it closes so tightly that no energy can seep through it.

    The work of consciousness is inextricably linked with energy centers – chakras. If a person focuses on one of them, his consciousness begins to work with those organs and areas that are subordinate to the chosen chakra. The study of the chakra helps to restore broken energy connections. Concentrating attention during meditation on one or another chakra, one can heal diseased organs, improve the emotional state.

    In addition to positive actions, chakras also have negative ones. An example of these actions is shown in the famous Indian TV series Shani Dev. Mahadev (Shiva) calls on Shani Dev (Distributing the fruits of Karma) to get rid of the negative aspects of the chakras.

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