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They never gave up

    These people are considered successful and talented. However, before achieving recognition, they experienced failures and rejections, they were even considered unsuitable for their work. Many of us, in their place, would simply give up. But they believed in themselves and in the correctness of their path, showed perseverance and perseverance, and in spite of everything, they nevertheless achieved their goal.

    Walt Disney was fired from the newspaper because “he lacked imagination and had no good ideas.” He was told that Mickey Mouse cartoons were doomed to failure, and that Disneyland would only attract poor local punks.

    Уолт Дисней

    Joanne Rowling was a single mother and lived on unemployment benefits. She was returned the Harry Potter manuscript 12 times in a row before a small London publishing house agreed to print the novel by the aspiring writer. Joan’s fortune is now estimated at $1,000,000,000.

    Джоан Роулинг

    Stephen King received over 30 rejections when publishing Carrie. But when he nevertheless managed to sell the rights to his manuscript, his novel sold a million copies and became a cult. Now the total sales of works by Stephen King is from 300 to 350 million copies.

    Стивен Кинг

    Oliver Stone, the legendary director and screenwriter behind the famous Vietnam Trilogy, was dropped from the prestigious Yale University to write his first novel, which was later rejected by all publishers.

    Оливер Стоун

    Steven Spielberg, the famous Hollywood film director and producer, tried twice to get into film school at the University of Southern California and failed both times with the wording: “Too stupid.”

    Стивен Спилберг

    Beatles. The record company denied the band their first contract, stating, “We don’t like your sound. Guitar bands are going out of style, so you have no future in show business.”

    The Beatles

    Elvis Presley. The very first performance of the future king of rock and roll ended in failure, as the owner of the club where Elvis sang said: “You have no future, son. Get back behind the steering wheel of your truck.”

    Элвис Пресли

    Abraham Lincoln went to war with the rank of captain, and returned demoted to the rank and file. He later failed as a businessman. Then Lincoln went into politics, but even here he was haunted by a series of various failures. Now we know him as one of the most significant US presidents, who prevented the collapse of the country and freed the slaves.

    Авраам Линкольн

    Thomas Edison. The teachers thought he was “too dumb to learn anything”. He was fired from his job twice for “lack of productivity.” When a journalist asked Edison how it is possible to be wrong 1000 times in a row, he replied: “I was not wrong 1000 times. It’s just that the light bulb was an invention that took 1,000 steps.”

    Томас Эдисон

    Winston Churchill remained in his second year at elementary school and twice failed the entrance exams to the academy. He became Prime Minister of Great Britain only at the age of 62. He later wrote: “Never give up – never, never, never, never, neither in big nor in small, neither in big nor in small, never give up, unless it is contrary to honor and common sense. Never succumb to force, never succumb to the apparently superior power of your adversary.”

    Уинстон Черчилль

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